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Égalité? What "Equality" Means for the Inegalitarian National Front

"Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" reads every school front, public building or city hall in France. Where does the National Front stand on equality?
Jean-Marie Le Pen caused an uproar when he proclaimed in 1996 " I believe that races are unequal." For her part, Marine Le Pen professes to embrace a strict republican tenet, proclaiming that all citizens are equal regardless of origin, religion or sex, yet her agenda, like that of her father before her, proposes discriminary measures to bar immigrants from social and economic rights.

TV-panel: Is the National Front at the Center of France's political game?

In this video on itélé, Journalists Renaud Dély (Nouvel Obs), Guillaume Roquette (Le Figaro Magazine), opinion-poll specialist Frédéric Dabi (Ipsos), and Cécile Alduy discuss how central, or not, is the National Front on the eve of the March 22 and 29 local elections in France, where the far right party is predicted to win up to 30% of the votes.





Conference and Debate at the Jean Jaurès Foundation

On March 2, Cécile Alduy was the guest of the "Cité du Livre", a debate and Q/A organized by the Fondation Jean Jaurès in Paris, to discuss her methodology and findings with Jean-Marie Pottier, journalist at, Sylvain Crépon, Professor of sociology at the University of Tours and a member of the Observatoires des radicalités politiques, and the audience. 

The video is available here.  


Tri-grams by author and genre

Trigrams by author and genre

One of the methods we employed to study the differences between Marine Le Pen's and Jean-Marie Le Pen's rhetoric was n-grams. Briefly, n-grams are N co-occuring words in a corpus. If N = 2, we call them bi-grams; three words are tri-grams, and so on. More information about ngrams is available on this What are N-Grams? page from "Text Mining & Analytics 101." 

Violence in the National Front's Rhetoric: A Political and Historical Perspective

On January 16, Roadsmag published an in-depth analysis of the role and faces of violence in the National Front's discourse. Rapahël Enault conducted a series of interviews with Nicolas Lebourg, a historian of the National Front and far right movements in France, and Cécile Alduy, to understands the roots and manifestation of violence in Jean-Marie and Marine Le Pen's discourse.  


Mythologies: A Bibliography

Barthes, Roland, Mythologies, Paris, Seuil, 1957.

Deloye, Yves, Commémorations et imaginaire national en France (1896-1996) in Pierre Birnbaum, Sociologie des nationalismes, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1997.

Domenach, Jean-Marie, La propagande politique, Presses Universitaires de France, 1973.

Durand, Gilbert, Introduction à la mythodologie. Mythes et sociétés, Paris, Albin Michel, 1996.

Eliade, Mircea, Aspects du mythe, Paris, Gallimard, 1963.

Semiotics, Rhetoric, and Political Discourse: A Bibliography

Alduy, Cécile, « Mythologies et rhétorique du Front National: Petit essai de sémiologie historique », dans Le Front National : un parti en transition ?, sous la direction de Sylvain Crépon, Nonna Mayer et Alexandre Dézé, Presses de Sciences Po, à paraître 2015.

Amossy, Ruth et Jean-Michel Adam, Images de soi dans le discours : La Construction de l’ethos, Lausanne, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1999.


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