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Martial Foucault, Professor, Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po), Paris:


The Politics of Emotions: France’s Responses to the 2015 Terrorist Attacks

Tuesday April 12, 5:30-7pm

Room: German Library, room 252, building 260 



In October 2015, documentary film maker Elise Le Guevel and her crew flew in from Paris to visit Stanford. Their goal: to understand better how Marine Le Pen has reformed her discourse by interviewing the team behind Marine Le Pen prise aux mots and the vast corpus of texts and analysis they produced. 

An interview with RAdio Television Suisse on the choice by the media and political figures to use the words "migrants" or "refugees" to describe those who are fleeing Syria, Irak or Afghanistan and are attempting to reach Europe.

Listen here

A pioneering textual analysis of French political speeches led by Stanford Professor of French Cécile Alduy reveals how Marine Le Pen, leader of France's surging far-right National Front, has made extremism palatable in a land of republican values.

French politician Marine Le Pen carried her father's right-wing fringe political party to first place in the country's latest elections for European Parliament.

Pour la chercheuse Cécile Alduy, le FN a su adapter son discours en fonction des territoires dans lesquels il s'enracine.

Le Téléphone Sonne: "Le Front National est-il devenu un parti ordinaire?"
Gagner un département serait démonstration d’une dynamique puissante, disait en substance Marine Le Pencce matin sur France info et le réseau France Bleu.

Mais la réussite électorale du Front national, fait-elle pour autant du FN un parti ordinaire, normal, voire banal ?

An half-hour discussion between host Sylvain Bourmean and Cécile Alduy on what is at stakes in the new National Front rhetoric. They discuss the change in rhetorical devices from provocation to insuation and allusion, form hyperbole to euphemism and the long term effects of the battle of ideas the National Front has been waging since the 80s.


Sylvain Bourmeau's Editorial: "Le Pen : tel père telle fille - Le simple ravalement sémantique d'un parti d'extrême-droite"
