Marine Le Pen prise aux mots. Décryptage du nouveau discours frontiste, by Cécile Alduy and S. Wahnich, is out on February 12, 2015, with SEUIL.
Since Marine Le Pen has taken over its leadership in 2011, the far right National Front party has been on an apparently unstoppable ascent, earning up to 25% of the votes in the latest European elections last May. What is more, in a remarkable political make over, the once infamous political organization has turned almost mainstream, claiming to be the last champion of democracy and French republican values.
Is that true? And how does Marine Le Pen manage to convince so many voters that it is?
Using text mining software as well as minute semiotic analyses, Cécile Alduy has ciphered more than 500 speeches and texts by Jean-Marie and Marine Le Pen to pinpoint exactly how, and on what topics, the daughter’s discourse differs from that of her father. Is the secular, democratic turn of Marine Le Pen’s rhetoric more than a clever rebranding? This groundbreaking book cracks the new National Front rhetorical code to uncover the deeper ideological and mythological structures that remain intact beyond the stylistic polishing.